Accelerating its digital transformation with Microsoft Dynamics 365

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Every year, a new skyscraper emerges, ever higher, ever closer to the clouds. This is also the case with Microsoft solutions with the arrival of Dynamics 365 that brings the cloud into a new era.

Dynamics 365 is Microsoft’s new enterprise solution that unifies ERP and CRM in a common platform. Indeed, Dynamics 365 goes further, including Office 365, existing versions of AX, NAV and CRM, Power BI, Power Apps and the new Microsoft AppSource (add-on stake and purchase platform).

Dynamics 365 is a game changer. This is the culmination of a strategy to reorient to the cloud that began in 2002. All the benefits of Microsoft integration and mobile access, now expected by all users fed to the web and ubiquitous applications, are brought together in one set.

Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition outperforms Dynamics AX (formerly known as AX7) and CRM Online

It’s a solid offering that incorporates Operations, Sales, Marketing and Customer Service, among others.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX 7 becomes Microsoft Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition for Operations
  • Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online becomes Microsoft Dynamics 365 Enterprise Edition for Sales
  • Office 365, Power BI, PowerApps and SharePoint Online are natively integrated.

Following the trend of app stores we are now used to, Dynamics 365 is now joining Microsoft AppSource – the unique destination for discovering, trying and buying different business applications. It’s an exciting ecosystem that both business users and IT teams can rely on to expand their field of vision.

The Dynamics 365 platform is a real improvement for Dynamics customers. One question remains, however: how can this transition be managed? It depends on multiple factors: industry, safety, regulation. At Prodware, we believe the first step is to evaluate the time spent per task in your IT infrastructure. In a world where the cloud is becoming more and more central, it makes less and less sense to spend time managing a local server infrastructure when it is possible to modernize applications. Here are some useful leads for those considering a move to Dynamics 365.

Make the transition to Dynamics 365!

Check out Prodware! We’ll help you evaluate this change and match your needs with the features available in Dynamics 365 (present and future). We’ll also recommend switching to the cloud upstream, which will make the transition easier.

Don’t worry, it will always be possible to use a local version

Dynamics 365’s roadmap does not provide for a local version in the immediate future, but local implementations of the Operations module (formerly AX7) will be possible for a variety of reasons. The first is the global deployment in a multinational company based in the United States that would need local finance, for example in Germany. The second scenario is a distributor who cannot afford to see his system « fall ».. It would therefore have a local version of Dynamics 365 housed inside the store. Clearly, there will be a local copy of Dynamics 365, but the main database will be in Azure.

Can the code be changed?

Like other versions, this will remain possible. It will take a quality control step to ensure that the end result is functional. This strategy is reinforced by the availability of applications via PowerApps.

Switch to Dynamics 365 today

Switching to the cloud is an important change for any organization, but Microsoft’s technological power, combined with partner control, will facilitate this process. The move to the cloud impacts all facets of the Information System. However, the return on investment will be real as soon as the execution is at the rendezvous.
Start your assessment today: document availability, security and connected applications needs. And, above all, choose an expert partner, as well as Microsoft Dynamics solutions, the cloud, collaborative tools… Prodware brings together all of these features.

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